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Short Story Telling
Short Story about Social Care Issue
Nurses have got a duty to protect their patients and their secrets. Therefore nurses are expected to be mindful of the fact that nurses are expected to respect an individual’s confidentiality and they should not try disclosing the information about the patient to anyone else who is not supposed to access the information about a patient. This essay will be providing a short story about an issue with social care. There are people in the society that are supposed to be provided with social care to enable them to live a better life. Social care is defined as a way of providing personal care, protection, or social support to the vulnerable adults and children in the society. However, as a nurse, I have discovered that there is and with the provision of social care services to the patients who deserve these services.
Nurses are expected to offer a wider spectrum of services to the people in the society including social care services. However, in the recent past nurses have realized that there is an issue with the social care and therefore the writer will be discussing these issues. It is not a problem that the government has brought. One of those many social care issues is about poor caring for the elderly in the society. It is important to remember that both social care and healthcare is very important to the elderly persons in the society more than ever before. This is because for the elderly persons to live a good life, they require some basic needs and skills for their day to day survival; that includes being able to undertake some of their daily social activities and carry out their personal domestic duties. Therefore a medical practitioner like nurses should be made aware that social issues can begin, with an onset of episodes of acute illnesses, or injuries that can be cured if there is an appropriate treatment. However, due to the problems of chronic diseases, which do develop gradually. These chronic conditions cannot be reversed readily because they need social care services and other support systems that can complement the treatment of the illness.
It is important to remember that not very many elderly persons do escape the accumulation of chronic pathologies as they continue to grow older. As a result, most of the pathologies do lead to many symptoms, which is a common phenomenon among elderly persons. Most of the chronic conditions like cancer do occur among these elderly people at the same time and at different levels of them becoming even more severe. There are long-term non-fatal illnesses are quite popular among this group of people in the society. The aging population is a global issue. One of the major concerns that nurses are having against the issue of the elderly persons is a shortage of beds in different beds and homes; this has made it even more complex care services to the elderly persons who are having chronic health conditions. Simultaneously, the other issue with the elderly person when it comes to the provision of social care services is that aging population reduces the availability of family caregivers. The problem is normally quite critical in jurisdictions like China and India; where it has been dramatically increasing in the number of aging population, and where there has always been a tradition of children taking care of their aging parents who are unable to take care of themselves. According to the research that was conducted by the United Nation’s Department of Economical and Social Affairs Population Division, the population of China has been rapidly aging in the recent past. In the United States, for instance, the number of the aging population has been projected to grow from 96 million in the year 2010 to 323 million by the year 2050.
Currently, in the United States, there is professional home visiting nurses that are offering healthcare services to the aging population. These professional home visiting nurses are expected to initiate their services a day after the patient has left the hospital. These home visiting nurses are expected to offer comprehensive assessments, find out if these aging persons are having physical and mental conditions, come up with external barriers to a maximum health, come up with a preventive care, and also to treat problems or come in to address other wants. However, as the ethical standards of nursing require, these home visiting nurses are supposed to keep the information that they have gathered from the patient as secretive as possible. These home visiting nurses are supposed to work closely with the family members of the patient whom they are taking care of. Some of the functions that are offered by these home visiting nurses include infusion therapy, care for the wounds, management of the pain, and provision of home safety instruction. Some of the specific social home care services that these nurses are providing include: changing of clothes of these aging individuals; giving the IV drugs, tube feeding, or shots; or providing information about diabetic care.
Social care is also being provided by the healthcare social workers of which among them are professionally trained and registered nurses. These healthcare social workers are generally working with an interdisciplinary team of professionals. They are mostly concerned with assisting the patients especially the elderly persons in the society to understand the nature of their diagnosis and prepare them psychologically to adjust to the challenging lifestyle that they will be subjected to. However, they should not disclose this information to anyone else who does not deserve to know the health condition of the person whom they are working with. These social care workers play a crucial role in assisting the professional health care workers to understand the patient’s emotional and mental changes as a result of the illness.
Annotated Bibliography
The Standards for Pre-Registration Nursing Education
Lewinson, L.P., McSherry, W. and Kevern, P., 2015. Spirituality in pre-registration nurse education and practice: A review of the literature. Nurse education today, 35(6), pp.806-814.
In this paper, the writers described the role of Nursing and Midwifery Order of the year 2001. Some of the roles that are being played by this organization include; maintenance of a register for nurses and midwives; ensuring that nurses and midwives keep secret the information that they have gotten from the patient, and also setting safety and standards that must be observed by the patients when conducting their duties. This organization is also in charge setting professional ethical standards like secrecy between the midwives, or nurses and patients whom they are in charge of.
Nursing & Midwifery Council. 2010. Standards for Pre-registration nursing education. RetrievedJanuary5, 2018, from https://www.nmc.org.uk/globalassets/sitedocuments/standards/nmc-standards-for-pre-registration-nursing-education.pdf
The Nursing & Midwifery Council is an organization that is in charge of the registration of nurses and midwives upon completion of their various courses. They also set professional standards that ensure that nurses and midwives will not disclose any information that concerns their patient’s condition.
Ahmed, N., Bestall, J.E., Ahmedzai, S.H., Payne, S.A., Clark, D. and Noble, B., 2004. Systematic review of the problems and issues of accessing specialist palliative care by patients, carers and health and social care professionals. Palliative medicine, 18(6), pp.525-542.
Arokiasamy, J.T., 2011. Social problems and care of the elderly. The Medical journal of Malaysia, 52(3), p.231.
Aveyard, H., 2014. Doing a literature review in health and social care: A practical guide. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
Bauld, L., Chesterman, J. and Judge, K., 2000. Measuring satisfaction with social care amongst older service users: issues from the literature. Health & social care in the community, 8(5), pp.316-324.
Darbyshire, P., Muir‐Cochrane, E., Fereday, J., Jureidini, J. and Drummond, A., 2006. Engagement with health and social care services: Perceptions of homeless young people with mental health problems. Health & social care in the community, 14(6), pp.553-562.
Hockenberry, M.J. and Wilson, D., 2014. Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Leichsenring, K., 2004. Developing integrated health and social care services for older persons in Europe. International journal of integrated care, 4(3).
Glasby, J. and Dickinson, H., 2014. Partnership working in health and social care: what is integrated care and how can we deliver it?. Policy Press.
Nursing and Midwifery Council., 2010. Standards for Pre-registration Nursing Education. London. NMC
Nursing and Midwifery Council. 2015. The code: Professional Standards of Practice and Behaviour for Nurses and Midwives. London. NMC.
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